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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta MORMONES. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018



Algunas de sus esposas estaban casadas con otros mormones
 La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos días
Sorprende con una política de transparencia

Templo Mormón Salt Lake City
Foto gentileza
 Douglas C. Pizac/Associated Press

José Smith ha superado a Mahoma, líder fundador de los musulmanes, quien solo tuvo trece esposas entre ellas una de seis años llamada Aisha a la cual no conoció sexualmente, hasta que cumplió nueve. "Se trata de una serie de ensayos entre los cuales se revela  la poligamia de José Smith, en un  esfuerzo por clarificar nuestro pasado", dijo el élder Steven E. Snow.

Insólito  reconocimiento de los líderes mormones

Los mormones se han enfrentado por fin, a los aspectos más oscuros de la vida de su profeta fundador José Smith -considerado santo y probo hombre de familia- quien resultó ser un hombre que le gustaba el sexo con muchas mujeres de lo contrario; afirman detractores de la iglesia;  no se explica su pasión por el casamiento múltiple. Ante las acusaciones, la iglesia responde que “Smith probablemente no tenía relaciones sexuales con todas sus mujeres, porque algunas fueron "sellados" a él sólo para la próxima vida, de acuerdo con los ensayos publicados por la iglesia. Pero para su primera esposa, Emma, ​​la poligamia era "un calvario insoportable” ha escrito Laurie Goodstein para The New YorkTimes

Estatua de José Smith y su primera esposa Emma
 ​​ Templo en Salt Lake City.  
 Jim McAuley para The New York Times

Los líderes mormones han reconocido por primera vez que el fundador de la iglesia y profeta, Joseph Smith; retratado en materiales literarios y visuales de la iglesia como un esposo leal y amoroso de su mujer Emma; tuvo en realidad hasta 40 esposas más, algunas casadas. Esta  asombrosa revelación  de la iglesia, en una serie de ensayos, son parte de un esfuerzo para transparentar la historia mormona en un momento donde ocultar información es casi imposible debido al uso masivo de internet.  Los líderes de la iglesia están encontrando demasiada información que desacredita o bien, tratan sobre actos controversiales de los primeros creyentes y que provocan controversias y grandes dudas entre los fieles. Muchos mormones, especialmente aquellos con ancestros polígamos, dicen que eran conscientes que el sucesor de Smith, Brigham Young, practicaba la poligamia cuando llevó a los creyentes a  Salt Lake City. Pero muchos de estas personas ignoraban  toda la verdad sobre Smith y sus 40 mujeres  hasta ahora. La iglesia sale al cruce de tanta polémica con la apertura de temas espinosos que están provocando a miles desilución y abandono de la fe" añade Goodstein.

No es la primera vez que la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días o mormones, han tenido que salir al paso de críticas muy serias. En tiempos recientes, han publicado unos doce  ensayos sobre temas polémicos como la prohibición de los negros en el sacerdocio, que fue levantada en 1978 y  cómo fue ue Smith tradujo el Libro de Mormón, la escritura sagrada de la iglesia.Entre tanto, el Élder Steven E. Snow, historiador y registrador de la iglesia dijo en una entrevista: "Hay tantas cosas por ahí en Internet que nos sentimos que debíamos a nuestros miembros un sitio seguro donde pudieran ir a consultar información veráz sobre los tiempos más difíciles de nuestra historia. Tenemos que ser veraces a la hora de dar a conocer nuestra historia. Aunque yo creo que   nuestra historia está llena de ejemplos fe, devoción y sacrificio, lamentablemente estas personas que fundaron nuestra iglesia no eran perfectos".

En uno de los ensayos se asegura que la poligamia fue ordenado por Dios y revelada a Smith y aceptada por él y sus seguidores sólo muy a su pesar. Abraham y otros patriarcas del Antiguo Testamento tenían varias esposas y Smith, al predicar  que su iglesia  era la "restauración" de la primitiva, verdadera iglesia cristiana, debía seguir el ejemplo de los patriarcas bíblicos. La mayoría de las esposas de Smith estaban entre las edades de 20 y 40. Sin embargo, Smith no vaciló en casarse con Helen Mar Kimball, hija de un matrimonio amigo cuando esta tenía 14 años. Una nota dice que de acuerdo con "estimaciones cuidadosas, Smith "solo" tuvo entre  30 y 40 esposas.

Algunas de las esposas de Smith.
estaban casadas con otros mormones

El mayor bombazo para algunos en los ensayos es que Smith se casó con mujeres que ya estaban casadas con amigos o seguidores de la doctrina de Smith y que este conocimiento fue ocultado por años por parte de las autoridades de la iglesia. En los ensayos no se ocultó nada, dijo Richard L. Bushman, profesor emérito de historia en la Universidad de Columbia y autor del libro "José Smith: Rough Rolling Stone." Bushman dijo además, que los líderes de la iglesia: "En algún momento decidieron que iban a contar toda la historia a fin de interrupir una etapa adversa donde las críticas a la doctrina los obligaban a  estar siempre a la defensiva."Y no hay  hecho más inquietante que el matrimonio de José Smith con las esposas de otros hombres, dijo el Dr. Bushman, que es un mormón.  

"La generación más joven de los mormones se beneficiará de este paso" dijo Samantha Shelley, co-fundador de la página web Millennial en Provo, Utah.Agregó que sabía del pasado de polígamo de Smith pero, reconoce,  "no es tan fácil para los santos de los últimos días  asimilar  novedades contradictorias sobre la vida del fundador de nuestra religión, que no solo les provocan extrañeza, perplejidad sino también muchas dudas y no saben a dónde acudir para mejorar su información". En 1890, bajo la presión del gobierno estadounidense, la iglesia emitió un manifiesto terminando formalmente la poligamia. Aún así, muchos mormones  se negaron a obedecer y  con el tiempo o fueron expulsados o se separaron en inconformidad,  formando iglesias disidentes, algunas cuales  todavía existen. Uno de estos disidentes, Warren Jeffs,  fue condenado en Texas en 2011 por pederastia.(1)

Kristine Haglund,  editor de Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, dijo que si bien pondera la nueva transparencia de la iglesia  como algo esperanzador, ella y otras mujeres expresaron su preocupación que los ensayos no traten sobre la enseñana de la poligamia en la eternidad. "Estos son problemas reales para las mujeres mormonas", dijo Haglund. "La iglesia nunca ha dicho definitivamente que la poligamia no se practica en el cielo".

Transparencia para callar las críticas

El historiador de la Iglesia, el élder Snow, dijo que el proceso de escribir los ensayos se inició en mayo de 2012. Cada uno fue redactado por un erudito, a menudo fuera del departamento de historia de la iglesia, y luego editado por historiadores de la iglesia y líderes, y examinado por las máximas autoridades mormonas. Probablemente aparezca un nuevo ensayo referido al sacerdocio femenino ya que numerosas mormonas han decidido desafiar la preponderancia de los varones en este asunto. Los ensayos no fueron publicitados y se accede a ellos mediante una busqueda o enlace. La iglesia mormona recientemente, para salir al cruce a las mofas que se les hace a los misioneros sobre sus prendas íntimas, ha lanzado un video informativo sobre este tema tan ridiculizado a los que denomina "prendas del templo". Este video por paradojico que parezca, recibió más atención de los medios especializados que los ensayos sobre poligamia.

Entre tanto, F. de Andrés publicó en ABC Internacional de España que "La Iglesia mormona, fundada en Estados Unidos en 1830, siempre ha defendido la poligamia, pero hasta ahora la situación conyugal de su fundador, Joseph Smith, estaba rodeada de muchas ambigüedades, mientras la doctrina oficial se limitaba a presentarle como un esposo amante de su primera mujer, Emma, La noticia, según el “Times”, ha empezado ya a causar revuelo entre sus 12 millones de seguidores en todo el mundo. Los mormones adquirieron especial notoriedad hace dos años, cuando uno de sus seguidores, Mitt Romney, ganó las primarias del partido republicano y se enfrentó con Barack Obama por la presidencia.Entre la serie de artículos sobre las esposas de Smith aparecidas en la página oficial de la Iglesia mormona, destacan algunas revelaciones especialmente chocantes. Entre ellas, que el fundador se casó con la hija de dos amigos meses antes de que cumpliera los 15 años; y que entre sus múltiples esposas figuraron varias casadas con otros miembros de la nueva congregación” añadió F. de Andrés.

Marc Pesaresi

1. La Website Poligamia Mormona y Pregunte a un mormón, informan que el presidente Gordon B. Hinckley explicó en 1998 la postura oficial de la iglesia mormona sobre la poligamia con estas palabras: -Deseo declarar categóricamente que esta Iglesia no tiene nada de nada que ver con aquellos que practican la poligamia.Ellos no son miembros de esta Iglesia.La mayoría nunca han sido miembros.Ellos están violando la ley civil.Ellos saben que están violando la ley.Están sujetos a sus castigos.La Iglesia, por supuesto, no tiene ninguna jurisdicción en este asunto. Si algunos de nuestros miembros son descubiertos practicando el matrimonio plural, ellos son excomulgados, el castigo más serio que la Iglesia impone.No sólo están involucrados en la violación directa de la ley civil, si no que están violando la ley de esta Iglesia.Un artículo de nuestra fe nos sujeta.Declara: Creemos en estar sujetos a los reyes, presidentes, gobernantes y magistrados; en obedecer, honrar y sostener la ley (Artículo de Fe 12).Uno no puede obedecer y desobedecer la ley al mismo tiempo.No hay tal cosa como un ‘mormón fundamentalista.Es una contradicción usar las dos palabras juntas.Hace más de un siglo, Dios claramente reveló a Su profeta Wilford Woodruff que la práctica del matrimonio plural debería descontinuarse, lo que significa que ahora es contra la ley de Dios.Aún en países donde la ley civil o religiosa permite la poligamia, la Iglesia enseña que el matrimonio debe ser monógamo y no acepta dentro de su membrecía a aquellos que practican el matrimonio plural.

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018


Is it the same person?


Carolina Alfaro

Christ at "America"
According a paint of the saints of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day or Mormons

Some Saints of The Church of Jesus Christ of LatteDay don't have any problem when they compare to Quetzalcoalt - A god from Precolumbian Mesoamerica with Jesus. How do they dare to say that both are the same person, How is it possible?

Historical searching of the Mormon's white Christ.

Searching in the history
the white Crist from the Mormons

Some Saints; as we know the Mormons; they believe that Christ was in Americas bringing the Gospel. Since there's no a book that proves such historical tale beside their own saint books, they search and research archeological evidences among the Precolumbian American Civilization having the hope to find the way to validate their historical doctrine that they share.

They need to prove that it's for real that Christ was between the American native around 1000 years before the arrival of the Vikings to Labrador and 1500 years previous the Spanish conquest . Did Christ was in America? Nobody can prove such assertion.

However: it attracks attention that, in the task to search any mythological celebrity with similarities with Jesus, the Saints of The Church of Jesus Christ of LatteDay focused their attention in the cosmological Aztec narrative and Maya in such cemetery of guardians of gods in which appears a weird god " bearded and white" named Quetzalcoatl o Kukulkan. 

Evidences from Mormon's book.
Website that has the intention to prove that
Christ was Quetzalcoalt
Click here (aquí)

How it was that this god becomes to be identified with Christ? due the color of his skin and part of the biblical story. Beside, It is fair to mention, the Pre-Columbian narrative " affirms" that Quetzalcoalt arrived from East and it was white and blonde.

We can do in an imagination exercise , to declare that our faith is good enough powerful, that this weird god with white skin and abundant pilosity was Egyptian, Hebrew, Phoenician, Carthaginian , Viking,Celtic  or from any other race. Using imagination everything is possible.

What Quetzalcoalt means?

Quetzalcoatl from Nahuatl: quetzalcōātl, snake with feather quetzalli, plumage; cōātl, snake is one of the gods from the Mesoamerican culture, main god of cemetery pre-Hispanic join to Tezcatlipoca.

The bronze snake in the Biblical   Judaeo-Christian story
and his relationship with the white Christ of the Mormons.

From where it comes the idea of the Mormons that Christ deserves to be equalize with Quetzalcoalt? According some theologist of Saints of The Church of Jesus Christ of LatteDay, from the verse of  the book of Numbers 21:4-9, which prefigure to Jesus

Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way. And the people spoke against God and against Moses: “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? 

For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes this worthless bread.” So the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israel died.

Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord that He take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. 
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.” So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

However: It is good to remark that the Mormons do not read the Bible but they add verses to another books that are sacred for them. As example they quote the above with 1 Nefi 17:41 from Mormon book which says:

41 And he did straiten them in the wilderness with his rod; for they hardened their hearts, even as ye have; and the Lord straitened them because of their iniquity. He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished.
When they join together the Biblical narrate with what it says the book of the Mormons, the Saints of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days, they conclude  that Christ is Quetzalcoatl, the snake with feathers, Did Quetzalcoatl fly ? Well, Marc, what a question; it is obvious that yes, of course does it has feathers?
The reader had realize that there is a fundamental detail  in the last narrative. It says that the snakes that attack to the Hebrews during their traveling for the desert " did they fly?" . The Bible did not mention such as detail. It just said that they "burn" not in the sense of flamboyant but the fact of their bite. However: since; in order to fly it will be necessary to have wings and feathers, the Saints say in one of their website,refer  that the mythical Quetzalcoatl " snake with feathers" yes and only yes, it should be Jesus since the bronze snake that it's hanging in the shaft prefigures to Christ crucified.

The serpent was destroyed 

When Nicodemus visited to Jesus one night (John 3:1-15) during the chat the Lord referred to himself as the Messiah, he recalled to him the episode of the bronze snake that Moses raised up on the desert, as example to illustrate his job and death. Since Nicodemus was Israel master, he could not left the symbolism happen overlooked from that episode. Just like the snake was raised up for salvation, Christ has to die and to be "raised up from the cross" to save all the people that believe on Him. 

Christ was become in sin for us, he was raised up in the cross and he carried the curse that overwhelmed to the human being. Nevertheless, the snake was useful only for a determined period although, its symbolism, it is obviously  commanded to be destroyed. The Israelites had started to adore the bronze snake no matter the warning from God behalf. So, seen how serious was the issue, the king Hezekiah ordered to destroy it. (2 Kings 18:4)

One detail, as prefiguration of Jesus it does not mean that the snake will be the same Jesus. It was a representation of a future fact that the Israelites of the Exodus not even could understand. It was Jesus who explained later what it represented at its moment. 

Who was Quetzalcoatl?

There are a lot of explanation about Quetzalcoalt. Several authors " taught" who was that person making an interpretation from their own point of view but, they did not  allow to ask or talk to the native. Few of them believe that was a Viking. others, any navigator from the Mediterranean; some of them considered it as alien. Some of them presume as cosmic divine person, whose  characteristic was the love. They did not take into account that it could be American or albino. Among a lot of explanations we are left bewildered . Anyone has asked to the native who was Quetzalcoalt?  The History Channel says.

"The first adoration records to this god, date from the first century before Christ and it was expanded to all Central America until the 900 A.C. It was linked with wind gods, from Venus, from the dawn, from dealers and artisan, just like with the learning science and knowledge; for this reason it was patron of the priests.
It appears represented commonly by one snake with feathers, this express a widely concept settled with all the religions: the dualism of one supreme god with earthly features, invokes in a reptile body, and spiritual features, aforesaid  through the feathers.
In the Aztec mythogical, it is about a transgressive deity between the heaven and the earth, who created the human being, and whose name appointed to the maximum priestly title. In one  of the histories about Quetzalcoatl, it affirms that this was seduced by Tezcatlipoca (his heavenly antithesis) to get drunk and to sleep with celibate priestess ( it seems that she was his own sister); prisoner of this own regret for this action, he burn up by himself and he was become the morning start.
It is also appears in anthropomorphism representations as a white man and with beard, this cause the possibility that the natives confused to Hernan Cortes with Quetzalcoatl".

List of presumed similarities
between Christ and Quetzalcoalt
The Mormons

1. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl were recognized as creator of all things. (Mosiah 4:2; Saenz 1962:19, 40)

2. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl were born of virgins. (Alma 7: 10; Gamiz 95)

3. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl are described as being white or as wearing a white robe. (3 Nephi 11:8; Torquemada 47)

4. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl performed miracles. (3 Nephi 26:15; Sejourne 136‑137)

5. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl taught the ordinance of baptism. (3 Nephi 11:23; Irwin 1963:170)

6. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl prophesied of future events. (Ixtlilxochitl: 40)

7. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl were universal as opposed to just being recognized as local gods. (3 Nephi 16: 1; Sejourne 1962)

8. A great destruction was associated with both Christ and Quetzalcoatl at exactly the same time period in history. (3 Nephi 8:5; Ixtlilxochitl: 40)

9. The cross was a symbol to both Christ and Quetzalcoatl. (3 Nephi 27:14; Irwin 1963:165)

10. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl sent out disciples to preach their word. (3 Nephi 12:1; Wirth 1978:55)

11. Both Christ and Quetzalcoatl promised they would come a second time. (2 Nephi 6:14; Sahagun 1:40)

12. A new star is associated with both Christ and Quetzalcoatl. (3 Nephi 1:21; Anales de Cuauhtitlan 7)

The Mormons that postulate this theory
Are they utilize a catholic misrepresentation about Quetzalcoalt history?
are they  support the doctrine that Christ was in America before Columbus?

One of the things that we used to hear is that Quetzalcoatl was a person white skin and blue eyes. Not so far from the true. But How this idea rise up?
The monks from XVI century did try to find the reason of why the presence of the natives in this part of the planet looking for an answer from the Bible, concluding that they are part of the Israel tribes disperses. The above mentioned it is reinforced with the finding of crosses, with the seed of this thought was given. God had decided that one disciple came to spread the gospel before the arrival of the Spaniard.

Turning out that in the XVI century as Bernal Diaz del Castillo  mentioned that in Yucatan were found "sign of crosses" (Diaz del Castillo, 1943), the same information is repeated by Franciscan Lopez de Cogolludo in his History of Yucatan (Lopez, 1957). By the other hand, the image of Quetzalcoalt, a personality that did not accept human being sacrifice and he was celibate, all this was suitable for the idea of the monks to considerate that it was about one disciple

Monk Diego Duran says:" That venerable man,  the one is called Topiltzin [...] was according the native traditions a celibate and penitent priest, from whom it remembered his episode that seems to be miracles [...] this saint man was some apostle that God put in this earth" (Duran, 1967)

Lopez de Gomara add about Quetzalcoatl that was a virgin man, penitent, honest, calm, religious and saint; to Monk Bartolome de las Casas was white,tall with big bear. To  Monk Juan de Torquemada agrees that he was white, blonde and with beard. At the same time, it is given to him the knowledge of agriculture and other issues. 

In this way the bases are done to idealized the image of a human being that began from some native tales, added with some significantly needs of the monks to justify, according the Bible, his preaches in front of thousand of thousand of natives. But these ideas was not settled there, but brings serious repercussions.

Based on José Ignacio Borunda records, who had written his general key of interpretation from the Mexican hieroglyphics, in which established that the blanket from Juan Diego where it was captured the Guadalupana (Mexican Virgin)  but it was the dressing of Saint Thomas/ Quetzalcoalt, mount an attack against the Spanish in order to deny that they were the first to preach in the Nueva España, since that was done by the apostle century years ago, in the figure of Quetzacoatl."
It is clearest that the Quetzalcoatl with beard and blonde was just, a creation from the catholic priests whose, following an antique practice from missionary Catholicism, they took a tutelary aboriginal god, they changed the name y they saved the hard task to preach, convince and transform thousand of hearts from the people. It is for this reason most of the Catholics live a syncretism faith blended native gods with some judeocristhian practices.

The fact that Quetzalcoatl had been white, with beard and blue eyes " it is a historic lie that the monks from the XVI century created to provide an explanation to the deity and to incarnate to the apostle who came to preach" Moctezuma got upset about it.

Matos Moctezuma adds

""Quetzalcoatl maybe is the most god named  in the prehispanic cemetery. However, it is necessary  to see the double character that is with him: be a man and be a god.
It is well know that when a leader or cultural hero take a noted roll inside the society that belongs to, they are  idolized after their death. Examples like these, we can find a lot in several towns around the world. In this case it is essential to separate what belongs to the history and what belongs to legend. Quetzalcoatl is one of this figures.
First at all we must say that not all snake with feathers is, Quetzalcoatl necessarily. It is enough to remember the named Templo de Quetzalcoatl or the snake with feathers in Teotihuacan; the building of the snake with feathers in Xochicalco and the ofidio's image in the wall of Cacaxtla.

In all of them we can see the snake decorated with big feathers of quetzal. In Teotihuacan case we agree that the interpretation is given based on the sense of the water from the rain joined with the water from the earth (rivers, spring, underground water); beside that, it keeps relations with the power of the leaders.
Whereas, between the Mexican or Aztecs the attributes and characteristics of god goes transformed, related a little bit more with the wind, that is why it wears an oral mask with the shape of beak's duck .  Its temple is circular, which differs from the above mentioned, that have  square or rectangular floor. Let's see , who is this person and its importance in the center of Mexico's history
Antiques Chronicles told the history of Ce Ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl. Thus, in the Ce Ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl we read the following about the character:
Year 1 Cane. In it, it says about, it refers, Quetzalcoatl were born, it was called our prince, the priest 1 Cane Quetzalcoatl. And it says that his mother was the one called Chimalman. And thus, it refers in how Quetzalcatl was placed on his mother breast: she did swallow a precious stone.
After that he stayed  during four years in Tulancingo, he was brought to govern in Tula. In this place Quetzalcoatl built his houses and he made penance. As priest, he invokes the deities, to the supreme duality that take the highest bench in the new heaven. He lives in retreat and abstinence, he did sacrifice birds, butterflies and snakes. It is given to him the knowledge of many things".

In another part of the Anales we read:
" He discovered big natural wealth, jades, genuine turquoises, precious metal, yellow and white, the coral and the snail, the feathers of quetzal and the turquoise bird, feathers from red and yellow bird, the one from tzinitzcan y del ayocuan. Also he discovered all kind of cocoa tree, all kind of cotton. The Toltec was so big in all kind of creations.....
As much in the Anales as in the general History of the new things in the New Spain, from priest Bernardino de Sahagún, we can see how  someone started to conspire against Quetzalcoatl. A wizard named Tezcatlipoca, according the first version, he showed to him a mirror, and when he sees his face with big bags and sunken eyes, Quetzalcoatl, with big sorrow exclaim: " If the people from town sees me, had they run?"
The chronicles  coincide in the arrival of others wizards that invite to him to drink a ferment beverage. Quetzalcoatl gets joyful and drank already request to bring his sister  Quetzalpetlatl, that makes penance in the nonohualcas hill. Together they used to drink and they lie together.
When Quetzalcoatl comes to one's sense and he did cry and he started to go to east, looking for the read and black earth, the Tlillan Tlapallan where he "burned up", I asked to you, the reader, did you se any similarity between Christ and Quetzalcoatl? none. Unfortunately some white people do not allow that Mesoamerica people develop their culture by their own. They see them with eyes full of social Darwinism that it seems impossible the ability that they had to build what they built.

To affirm that one god from Mesoamerica is Jesus, it is difficult to accept it since it is compare no less with an snake with feathers who; to form the first human couple; he needs to ask cooperation to others gods; beautiful bones from woman and man. At the contrary the Christ from the Bible, does not request anything from others. He just creates according his will through him it was created everything. I asked myself How it can be called creator of human being to a deity which requires human bones existent already to form the human being? Contradictory.


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